
Pain Management/Pharmacology CME

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Keep up-to-date on the latest in acute and chronic pain management and use of treatment options for the management of GI, infectious diseases, and respiratory conditions in this fast-paced course.

CME On-Demand Courses Include

Language – English

Access On Desktop, Tablet & Mobile

Package 2: 6.5 CME Credit Hours (Rx=2.50)

Valid until Nov 30, 2024

Package 2 – Pain Management, Pharmacology & Prescribing

Classes by Wendy Wright, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, FNAP

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Management of Acute and Chronic Pain With and Without Opioids in the Primary Care /Urgent Care Setting (Rx=1.0)

Pain is the most commonly reported symptom in a primary care setting. This lecture will take you through the nuts and bolts of acute and chronic pain. Included in this discussion will be a focus on the importance of a comprehensive approach, including pain management specialists, primary care providers, nurses, complementary therapies, and modalities. In addition, a discussion on the importance of narcotic contracts and the regulation of controlled substances.

Pharmacology Update: Latest in the Management of GI, Infectious Diseases and Respiratory Conditions (Rx=1.5)

Keeping up to date on the latest treatment options for GI, respiratory, and infectious diseases is paramount for NPs, PAs, and MDs. This session will provide the attendee with the latest guidelines to treat a variety of conditions related to these body systems.

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