The Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts Team

Charles B. Dillehay
MBA, CAE, Creator/President
Passion: Faith, for life, for family (lovely bride of 27 years + 3 amazing kids), and for my golden doodle, Willow.
Favorite Foods: Asian (especially Thai)
Favorite Activity: The “hunt for the perfect trophy fish.” Preferably Marlin (catch and release, of course).
Especially proud of our Turn It Up foundation – created in honor of my son Caleb, completely deaf in both ears, but through the miracle of cochlear implants, he leads a full and extremely productive life. He’s a 2023 graduate of the University of Georgia with a BS in Environmental Health Science, with minors in Biology, Political Science, and International Affairs. He played the marimba in UGA’s Redcoat Marching Band. And, listening to him play the piano has brought many to tears of joy. Caleb is our superstar and hero, and it’s our wish that others will be inspired by him too. With the support of our loyal conference attendees, we’ve raised over $100,000 to date! 100% goes directly to fund scholarships for hearing impaired children to pursue their musical dreams, such as piano lessons, band and orchestra instruments, and more.

Alicia Sharp
Sr. Manager, CME Education & Enrollment
Greatest Accomplishment: My amazing children – Olivia, Joshua and Sophia
Favorite Activity: Hot Yoga!
Favorite Quote: If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!

Carol Ann Hedin
Sr. Manager of Marketing & Communications
Favorite Food: I’m a gulf coast girl, seafood is my favorite – fresh caught Grouper or shrimp and I’m in heaven, throw in a little salt for the margaritas and we’re golden!
Favorite Activities: In the spring and summer, you’ll find me and my boys on Lake Lanier enjoying the water and beautiful blue skies.
Favorite Quote: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller

Siani Jones
Marketing Coordinator
Favorite Food: Seafood, I love it.
Greatest Accomplishment: Starting my business and officially trademarking my brand.
Favorite Activity: I love shopping and traveling the world.
Favorite Quote: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13

Shania Genovese
Administrative Assistant
Passion: Art and Music.
Favorite Food: Any type of Asian food and Tacos.
Favorite Activities: Shopping and spending time with my family.
Favorite Quote: Just as iron sharpens iron positive people will inspire you to be positive – Rihanna