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Earn CME | Skin Bones CME

Celebrate National Nurses Week with Knowledge – and CME!

May 6 through 12 (Florence Nightingale’s birthday!) was National Nurses Week, and the American Nurses Association (ANA) selected the theme “Nurses Make the Difference” to honor the varying roles of nurses and their positive impact on our lives, as they make a difference as trusted advocates who ensure individuals, families, and communities receive quality patient care and services. May 8 was also designated National Student Nurses Day, while National School Nurse Day is also celebrated on the Wednesday within National Nurses Week each year.

It’s always an important week dedicated to elevating the profession and expanding awareness of its impact on all of our lives. And at Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts – a leading provider of online and in-person continuing medical education (CME) for nurse practitioners (NPs), registered nurses (RNs), physicians, and physician assistants (PAs) – we make celebrating the importance of nurses and advancing their education a year-round pursuit. With our all-encompassing curricula covering dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology and emergency medicine, women’s health, plus tracks in pain management & pharmacology, diabetes, and ER, we take CME – and the positive impact it has on healthcare providers and their patients – seriously!

Not surprisingly, our attendees and speakers take it equally seriously and have found enormous benefit in our one-of-a-kind in-person CME Conferences; in addition to being held in destination locations and partnering with engaging and nationally renowned speakers, we schedule full-day CME sessions focusing on a different specialty to ensure that each specialty gets the focus and “deep dive” it deserves. The result is the kind of education that we’re proud to present to NPs and RNs to keep them learning and performing at their peak.

The Best NP Conference

“I chose a Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts CME Conference because it features NPs as presenters who are actually speaking directly to their colleagues,” explained Marissa Culver, a DNP from Indiana. “I’ve been to many conferences and never found one where there’s actually a NP who’s teaching the class – I absolutely love that. I actually Googled, ‘the best NP conference,’ and this conference came up. I thought to myself, ‘You know what? Let’s just give it a try.’ It was an awesome experience; I loved it and will highly recommend it.”

The Value of CME

“Evidence-based practice relies on new data and new guidelines for competent care, said Nancy Berman, MSN, ANP-BC, NCMP, FAANP, a NP specializing in women’s healthcare who will present at our Destin, Virginia Beach, Orlando (October), and Las Vegas CME Conferences. “Nothing stays the same, and practices evolve over time! Find your passion for an area of practice and become expert in knowledge and management.”

“The breathtaking speed at which medical knowledge is expanding makes ‘keeping up’ with the changes imperative AND challenging,” added Christine Kessler, MN, CNS, ACNP, ANP-BC, BC-ADM, FAANP, a NP who will provide diabetes-focused CME at Myrtle Beach, Pensacola Beach (September), Orlando (October) and Las Vegas. “Ongoing medical education benefits the patient. And – as a legal consultant – I always stress that it can help keep the lawyers at bay. It’s important!”

In-Person and Online CME for Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, and Physicians

Earn CME in the field of your choice with Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts through an in-person CME Conference at a destination location, or earn CME in 2024 through our on-demand courses or virtual CME conferences! No matter what you choose, you’ll learn from the best of the medical community as you earn CME credits, network, and gain knowledge on dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology, emergency medicine, women’s health, pain management, pharmacology, diabetes, and ER. We also offer the best value per CME credit, with our cost per CME credit hour as low as $21! 

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