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Dermatology CME

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Earn Dermatology-Focused CME!

With more than five million cases diagnosed in the U.S. every year, skin cancer is America’s most common cancer. Fortunately, it’s also one of the most preventable cancers, and Skin Cancer Awareness Month in May seeks to share facts about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure – and encourage people to check their skin for warning signs. Facts about sun protection and early detection – provided by The Skin Cancer Foundation – are plentiful, with this year’s campaign centered on “skin cancer is serious,” as many unfortunately think that skin cancer isn’t a big deal.

In truth, an estimated 8,290 people will die of melanoma in 2024, and over the past decade, the number of new invasive melanoma cases diagnosed annually has increased by 32 percent. Similarly troubling statistics exist for other types of skin cancer, such as basal, squamous, and merkel cell carcinomas.

And while some people are more prone to sunburn, anyone – of any complexion – can get burned.

One of the most important steps to take – beyond wearing protective clothing and sunscreen, of course – is to check your skin regularly for anything new, changing, or unusual. Do a head-to-toe self-check every month, and see your dermatologist at least once a year for a full-body scan.

Dermatology-focused CME, In-person and Online

With skin cancer such a serious and widespread health concern, Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts has made dermatology a foundation of our CME curriculum since our founding. In 2024, all nine of our In-person 2024 CME Conferences have a full day dedicated to dermatology, also available via CME Virtual Conference.

Gina Mangin, MPAS, PA-C, a physician assistant (PA) who has specialized in dermatology for the past 15 years, will present at our CME Conferences in:

Sessions will include:

·       Connect the Dots: What is That Spot?

  • Bippity Boppity Boo Get Me Ready for My Zoom! (Rx = 0.50)
  • The Three Ss of Dermatology: Skin Cancer, Sunshine, and Sunscreen (Rx = 0.50)
  • Tinea or Not? (Rx = 0.50)
  • What Is That Itch? (Rx = 0.50)

Kara Roman, MMS, PA-C, a PA also focusing on dermatology, will present at:

Sessions will include:

  • Dermspeak Jeopardy Style: Review the Lingo of Lesions and Rashes
  • Tackling Topical Therapies and Routine Skin Care (Rx = 0.50)
  • Bites, Stings, and Other Itchy Things (Rx = 0.50)
  • An Update on Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (Rx = 0.50)
  • Inside Out – Dermatologic Manifestations of Systemic Disease

Lastly, Kristin Rygg, PA-C, will present at:

Sessions will include:

  • Red and Bumpy and Dry Oh My! (Rx = 0.50)
  • It’s Not Just a Base Tan
  • But, Is It Contagious? (Rx = 0.50)
  • I’ll Take Spots for 400
  • Let’s Make a Rash Decision (Rx = 0.50)

“It’s a very exciting time to be in dermatology,” Rygg added. “We have many new, incredible topical and systemic treatments that are changing the way we practice and improving patients’ lives. Practicing dermatology is fun, but the learning curve is steep – so I especially love that attendees of Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts’ CME Conferences get an entire day of real-world dermatology to help them gain confidence and make their everyday clinic lives easier. I love being part of that.”

Now it’s your turn to be part of that experience – register today!

Sharpen Dermatology Skills Online

Interested in sharpening your dermatology skills? Our online Dermatology Master Clinician Series present five “can’t miss” topics taught by Conference speakers and archived as webinars. Clinician series are non-CME.

In-Person and Online CME for Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, and Physicians

Earn CME in the field of your choice with Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts through an in-person CME Conference at a destination location, or earn CME in 2024 through our on-demand courses or virtual CME conferences! No matter what you choose, you’ll learn from the best of the medical community as you earn CME credits, network, and gain knowledge on dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology, emergency medicine, women’s health, pain management, pharmacology, diabetes, and ER. We also offer the best value per CME credit, with our cost per CME credit hour as low as $21!