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Earn Medical CME, In-person & Virtual, with Dual-track CME

It’s never been easier to earn CME the way you want! At Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts, we’ve created in-person CME and online CME to ensure that every nurse practitioner, physician assistant, RN and physician can earn the CME credits they need in a way that fits their learning style, budget, and schedule. We also have designed some of conferences with a dual-track option, meaning that attendees can enjoy live presentations in gorgeous, vacation destinations and still have access to recorded presentations for sessions they couldn’t attend live.

Watch a session at the airport when you’re heading back home, or even take in a session while relaxing by the pool – no matter what you decide, all dual-track sessions are available until the Monday following the conference and give you the option of earning significantly more CME hours for the same cost! 

Four Dual-Track CME Conferences in 2024

In our 2024 CME Conference lineup, our Pensacola CME Conference (May 21-24 and September 10-13), Myrtle Beach (June 24-27, with Early Bird pricing ending February 24!), and Las Vegas (November 12-15) offer the dual-track option, offering between 26 and 39 CME credits and between 5.25 and 9 APRN Pharmacology credits. All are approved for ACCME, AMA, ANCC, APRN and AAPA credit. 

If you’ve never experienced a Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts CME Conference, our dual-track option is a great way to test out both our In-person and Online CME options, and meet leading thought leaders in your field.

“Presenting at Skin, Bones’ CME Conferences offers me a chance to really delve into a particular topic to better equip attendees with greater understanding of a disease state, state of the art management tips, and useful tips to implement immediately in clinical practice,” said Christine Kessler, MN, CNS, ACNP, ANP-BC, BC-ADM, FAANP, a nurse practitioner presenting on diabetes at our Myrtle Beach and Las Vegas locations. “The format of Skin, Bones’ CME Conferences also allows for greater opportunities for personal dialogue between attendees and the expert, further enhancing education. It’s a key reason I choose to present at their CME Conferences!”

In-Person and Online CME for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, RNs and Physicians

Earn CME while enjoying a much-deserved vacation with Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts through an in-person CME Conference at a destination location, or earn CME in 2024 through our on-demand courses or virtual CME conferences! No matter what you choose, you’ll learn from the best of the medical community as you earn CME credits, network, and gain knowledge on dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology, emergency medicine, women’s health, pain management, pharmacology, diabetes, and ER. We also offer the best value per CME credit, with our cost per CME credit hour as low as $21! 

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