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CME Online With Skin Bones

Earn CME Before Year-End – and Enter a Drawing for FREE CME in 2024!

Maybe you’ve put off earning CME all year … maybe you just realized you need to bank a few CME credits before the end of the year. Either way, there’s no need to panic – because Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts has an easy solution for any physician, nurse practitioner (NP), or physician assistant (PA) needing CME through our On-demand CME. Choose from multiple packages of our best programming from 2023 and 2022, as well as from individual courses dedicated to single topics, such as ER, cardiology, orthopedics, dermatology, and women’s health.

CME Credits for Every Need

Through our On-demand CME, you can earn up to 39 CME credits and 13. 5 APRN pharmacology credits – but, if you only need a few CME credits, we have you covered, too: Check out our three-credit CME options, as well as our mini CME courses that are just $29 for 1 to 1.5 credit hours! No matter what you need, all of our packages are sourced from our in-person locations, ensuring you’re getting the same up-to-date content as everyone else.

CME Ultimate Giveaway

Even better, if you purchase any CME course (except the mini-courses by topic) between now and December 31, 2023, we’ll automatically enter you into our CME Ultimate Giveaway, with three prize levels:

  • Grand Prize: $4,000 all-expense paid trip to an In-person 2024 conference
  • 2nd Prize: $1,000 registration to a 2024 CME conference
  • 3rd Prize: $700 On-demand CME Full Package

Win big with us in 2023 by wrapping up your CME before the year-end and getting your chance to earn new content in 2024! (Seriously though, don’t delay any longer – it’s December! Grab some CME credits today!) Visit our website for more details.

In-Person and Online CME for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Physicians

Earn needed CME before year-end with Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts through an on-demand class, and start making plans now to earn CME in 2024 through an in-person destination location or virtual CME conference! You’ll learn from the best of the medical community as you earn CME credits, network, and gain knowledge on dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology and emergency medicine, women’s health, pain management and pharmacology, diabetes, ER, and mental health.

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