November is Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Month, intended to bring attention to diabetes, which affects about 37 million Americans, including adults and youth, and can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. This year, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases is focusing the month on actions that can help prevent diabetes health problems, such as:
- Manage blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels as soon as possible
- Prioritize healthy lifestyle habits
- Reach or maintain a healthy weight
- Take care of mental health
- Work with your healthcare team.
Diabetes has been a keystone of our curricula since our founding, with full-day sessions dedicated to topics such as diabetes standards of care; pharmacologic treatment of Type 2 diabetes; insulin therapy; cardiovascular risk; diabetes technologies like monitors, pumps, and mobile apps; and more. If you’re looking for diabetes-specific CME, be sure to check out our CME conferences in 2023 in Orlando on October 18 and Las Vegas on November 16 and, in 2024, in Myrtle Beach on June 26, Pensacola Beach on September 11, Orlando on October 23, and Las Vegas on November 13.
We also provide an On-Demand course on Diabetes, which tackles questions in antidiabetic medications, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and Type 3 diabetes—giving you the confidence to make better patient care decisions.Package 1 is worth 3.5 CME Credit Hours and Package 2 is worth 3 CME Credit Hours.