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Pharmacology CME Courses | Skin Bones CME

Pharmacology CME Online Courses That Fit Your Schedule

Do you need pharmacology CME credits and are pressed for time? Or your learning style is better suited for online CME that allows for a self-paced program? Either way, Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts’ On-demand CME offers flexible options for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians. You can watch recorded CME sessions online within a year on various topic-specific courses – including pharmacology.

On-demand CME for Pharmacology – Package 1

We offer two packages for pharmacology CME online, all sourced from our In-person locations, ensuring you’re getting the same up-to-date content. Package 1, Pain Treatment in the Opioid Epidemic: Opioids, Non-Opioids & Complementary Therapies, provides 3.5 CME credit hours and is taught by Brett Snodgrass, FNP-C, CPE, ACHPN, FAANP. Brett is a nationally recognized Nurse Practitioner speaker and teacher and a chronic pain expert, working for more than 20 years with chronic pain patients in various settings. This On-demand pharmacology CME course recognizes the many questions that the opioid epidemic has raised for the health care provider, discusses how to best work with pain patients, and explores the use of opioids and other options.

On-demand CME for Pharmacology – Package 2

Package 2, Pain Management, Pharmacology & Prescribing, offers 6.5 CME credit hours and is taught by Wendy Wright, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, FNAP, an adult and family nurse practitioner and the owner of two nurse practitioner owned- and operated-clinics. In this two-part On-demand Pharmacology CME course, management of acute and chronic pain is covered, with a focus on the importance of a comprehensive approach, including pain management specialists, primary care providers, nurses, complementary therapies, and modalities. In addition, the importance of narcotic contracts and the regulation of controlled substances is discussed. The course also includes a pharmacology update, providing the latest treatment options for GI, respiratory, and infectious diseases and ensuring NPs, PAs, and MDs are up to date on the latest guidelines for treating a variety of conditions.

Our Advantage: Dedicated-Topic Online Pharmacology CME Courses

Wondering why we offer full-day sessions dedicated to one topic? It’s a strategy that Jerry Weniger, PhD, ATC, PA-C, director, Physician Assistant Program, and associate professor, Department of Health Professions at James Madison University, finds particularly useful for getting a lot of content packed into one session.

“Our brains get locked into the specific content area of that day, which allows you to really focus and dive deep. This is a better approach than constantly jumping around to various areas of medicine throughout the [CME program].” [CH1] 

“Our lives are complex, and we all need to participate in continuing education in different ways,” added Nisha McKenzie, PA-C, CSC, NCMP, IF, Women’s Health Collective. “The Skin Bones team understands working professionals and the roadblocks we face, and they offer multiple options for earning CME online. The On-demand option is a great example; it allows those of us with little to no time off to participate in learning opportunities from experts while in the comfort of our own space and at our own time.”

In-Person and Online CME for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Physicians

Maybe you’re new to your career or just new to a different work environment and meeting colleagues with very different approaches or personalities. No matter your situation, open the door to learning from a wide range of health practitioners while earning continuing medical education credits at our CME conferences! Earn online CME credits or travel to a CME conference with like-minded nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians; and ‘unplug’ while enjoying a new locale! Check out our upcoming Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts 2023 CME Conferences and 2024 CME Conferences! At every event, the best of the medical community gathers to earn CME credits, network, and gain knowledge on dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology and emergency medicine, women’s health, pain management and pharmacology, diabetes, ER, and mental health. Online CME courses and Virtual CME are also available, giving you the option of earning CME credits at your convenience.Post navigation

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