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On-demand CME: At-home Learning for NPs, PAs and Physicians

Your time, your pace, your CME

We’re getting ready to launch our 2023 series of CME Conferences – the first conference of the year will be in Savannah next month May 1-4 – and just like we’ve been doing for the past 10 years, we’ll provide top-level CME for nurse practitionersphysician assistants and physicians at nine destination locations across the country. And, we’ll continue offering three ways to learn – In-person, Virtual, and On-demand, since we know that everyone juggles different scheduling challenges and has different learning styles.

There’s a wide range of benefits for every option, but for those looking at a tight schedule with a limited budget, our On-demand solution for NPs, PAs, and physicians – SkinBonesCME – is a great way to earn CME online.

All of our On-demand CME courses are sourced from our In-person locations, ensuring you’ll enjoy the same dynamic speakers and engaging sessions, as well as the same up-to-date content and full-day focus dedicated to one topic. But, you’ll take the courses at your convenience – typically with one or two years to complete the courses from the release date. SkinBonesCME NOW offers two popular packages from which to choose: 

Our On-demand CME Packages

Package One
Earn 39 CME Credit Hours (Rx=12.25) with topics including:

  • Spotting a heart attack
  • New dermatology drugs
  • Diabetes
  • Pediatric orthopedics
  • Contraception use across the lifespan
On-demand Package 2

Package Two
Earn 39 CME Credit Hours (Rx=10) with topics including:

  • Managing airline emergencies
  • Skin cancer
  • Skeletal radiology & fracture identification
  • Diabetes
  • Women’s health guidelines

Looking for a wider menu of options? Be sure to check out our full On-demand page, which provides links to our full suite of packages up to 41.5 CME, and our by-topic CME, which includes programming for dermatologyorthopedicswomen’s healthcardiology & emergency medicinepain management, pharmacology & prescribingpediatrics, mental health, ER, and diabetes, all of which start at just $97.

No matter what you need, our On-demand catalog can provide it. Check it out today!

Skin Bones CME In-person Conferences

Hit the reset button while earning continuing medical education credits at our CME conferences, where you can travel to a vacation destination; earn CME credits with like-minded nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians; and ‘unplug’ while enjoying a new locale! Check out our upcoming Skin, Bones, Hearts & Private Parts 2023 CME Conferences and 2024 CME Conferences! At every event, the best of the medical community gathers to earn CME credits, network, and gain knowledge on dermatology, orthopedics, cardiology and emergency medicine, women’s health, pain management and pharmacology, diabetes, ER, and mental health. On-line CME courses and Virtual CME are also available so you have the option of earning CME credits online.

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